Micro Nutrient


GNP Silicon

it contents silicon compound 60% with other ingredients. Doe to silicon photosynthesis process is increases. It minimizes the effect of fungi and pest attack on the crop. It minimizes the residue of the pesticides or fungicides. Silicon increases the binding capacity of phosphorous and potassium.

Silicon minimizes the evaporation of water from the plant. So more water is available for photosynthesis and it increases production of chlorophyll pigments and hence crop production is affective.


Zinc Sulphate 21%

Single micronutrient fertiliser.

It is single micronutrient zinc sulphate 21%. It is recommended to use all crops and plants in the deficincy of zinc.due to pressence of sulphur it fight with any pest or fungal attack to the plant


Pearl Boron - EDTA

It is a Di-sodium octa borate tetra hydrate. Boron contents is 20%. Maintaining membrane integrity and cell wall development, cell division and cell elongation. Facilitating short and long distance transport of sugar/photosynthesis. Improving flower retention, pollen tube growth which contributes to better fruit set and seed set and avoids short berries problem in case of grapes. Compatible with most of the fertilizers agrochemical but it is recommended to perform a test before use..

Recommendations: Foe foliar application - 2-3 sprays from vegetative stage to fruit development stage.

Grapes/pomegranate - 1-1.5 gm/litre. Horticulture & all fruit crops 0.75-1 gm/liter.

Soil Application - 2-3 kg/acre in split application vegetable stage to fruit development stage.


Pearl Boron - 20%

Single micronutrient chelated boron

It is single micronutrient chelated boron 20% . It is recommended to use all crops and plants in the deficincy of boron. It increases the working capacity of calcium in theplant


Pearl MG (Magnesium Sulphate) 30.5%

Single micronutrient magnese sulphate

It is single micronutrient magnese 30.5% . It is recommended to use all crops and plants in the deficincy of magnese. The squre deficiancy in leaves and on the flowers are minimizes by its use. Due to contents of sulphur it is also helful to the plant so it controls the pest and fungi also


Pearl Ferrous Sulphate - 19%

It is single micronutrient ferrous 19% . It is recommended to use all crops and plants in the deficincy of iron. Due to pressence of sulphur it fight against pest and fungus.


Zoom ( Specialy For Mango)

it contents 12% proteins with other vegetable eztracts it is totally amino acid based product. It promotes metabolism of crop and decreases its water loss. It promotes the development of shoots and roots. It is very much effective for mango.


Zoom( Specialy For Soya)

it contents 12% proteins it is totally amino acid based product. It promotes metabolism of crop and decreases its water loss. It promotes the development of shoots and roots. It is very much effective for soya bean crop.


Zoom BT

it is specialy made for bt-cotton. Zoom containts maximum amount of protien ( 20%) , vitamins, and naturally increase plant health. With n-acetyl corboylic compound. Zoom is best food for growing the cotton. It also contents zn, fe and boron. Zoom increases the biochemical process of the plant and produces maximum flowers and shiney naturally green leaves. It increases the strenght of the buds and stems of the plant. It increases the photosynthesis process of the plant and hence it increases the yield.


Zoom Bor

As per FCO : GRADE – IX

Zoom Bor is a total micronutrient fertilizer of government of maharashtra approved GRADE IX. It contains ZINC-3.0%, and BORON-0.5%. Remaining are amino based adjuvants. Due to spraying of pesticides, fungicides the crop or plant slightly loses their natural growth and resisting power but due to application of this micronutrients plants become healthy and looks their natural shining. Do not use these micronutrients with Pesticides or Fungicides. It is to be sprayed early in the morning or at evening. Do not spray in the direct sunlight when plants are in stress condition. Zoom Bor is amino based hence proteins are easily available for the plant growth. Zoom bor is very effective if the plant leaves becomes yellow or yellow spot on leaves. Zoom bor is very effective if plant leaves are curved at tip side it is used for Zink & Boron deficiency. It is used in acidic soil for its effectiveness.

Available in: 250ml/500ml/1 ltr/5 ltr/10 ltr/20 ltr/50 ltr.


Pearl Gold

Mixture of micronutrient fertilizer grade- 11

Pearl gold is a total micronutrient fertilizer of government of maharashtra approved grade-11. It contents ferrous-2.5%; zinc-5.0% ; and boron-0.5%.it is to be very effective for cotton crops and for alkaline soil.it is also used for deficiency of fe, zn, and boron.


Pearl Mix (L)

Mixture of micronutrient fertilizer grade- 2

Pearl miture is a total micronutrient fertilizer of government of maharashtra approved grade-2. It contents ferrous-2.5%;magnise-1.0%; zinc-3.0% ; copper-1.0%; molybdenum-0.1% and boron-0.5%. Remaining are amino based adjuvants. Due to spraying of pesticides,fungicides the crop or plant slightly losses their natural growth and registing power but due to application of this micronutrients plants become healthy and looks their natural shining.

Peal mix.powder is ammino based hence proteins are automaticaly available for the plant development.


Pearl Zinc EDTA

Pearl zinc is micronutrient having 12% is zinc. It is important for normal leaf development and shoot elogation. Essential for pollen development and fruit set. Helps in berry development and maintain for proper fruit size. Facillates ptroten synthesis and enzyme activity

It is compatable with most of the agrochemicals and fertilizers. But it is recommended to perform before use.


Pearl Mix (P)

Mixture of micronutrient fertilizer grade- 2

Pearl mixture is a total micronutrient fertilizer of government of maharashtra approved grade-2. It contents ferrous-2.5%;magnise-1.0%; zinc-3.0% ; copper-1.0% ; molybdenum-0.1% and boron-0.5%. Remaining are amino based adjuvants. Due to spraying of pesticides, fungicides the crop or plant slightly losses their natural growth and registing power but due to application of this micronutrients plants become healthy and looks their natural shining.


Pearl Kimaya

Mixture of Micronutrient Grade- 1

PEARL KIMAYA MIXTURE is a total micronutrient fertilizer of government of Maharashtra approved GRADE-1. It contents FERROUS-2%,MAGNESE-1.0%, ZINC-5.0%, COPPER-0.5%, and BORON-1.0%. Remaining are amino based adjuvant. Due to spraying of pesticides, fungicides the crop or plant slightly losses their natural growth and resisting power but due to application of this micronutrients plants become healthy and looks their natural shining. Do not use these micronutrients with Pesticides or Fungicides. It is to be spray early in the morning or at evening. Do not spray in the direct sunlight when plants are in stress condition. PEARL KIMAYA. Is amino based hence proteins are easily available for the plant growth.

Available in: 10kg


Ferro Fast

For Green & Healthy Paddy crop

Ferro Fast (Granule) is manufactured specially for Paddy crop. Iron plays important role in photosynthesis process. It helps to reduce interveinal chlorosis in leaves. In water logging area it helps oxygen supply to root zone and increases yield.

Keep away from children and pets. Shake well before use.

Dosage: 8kg of per acre. Available in: 1kg.

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