Why to use organic product ?


High doses of chemical fertilizer and synthetic chemical are to be harmful to human health. With growing health consciousness report are equal to seek better source of nutrition food. The solution to have nutrition food. We have shift to organic farming. The soil fertility is affected by the fertilizers, pesticides and insecticide use. Exclusive use of synthetic chemicals fertilizer can lead to deficiency of zinc in diet and pesticides can lead to cancer. The use of ammonium nitrate fertilizer also leads to global warming as it emits nitrous oxide. The use of organic farming can reduce these emissions to considerable scale. The greed to increase farming drive the farmers to purchase costly chemicals which indirectly increases the cost of cultivation.

Sr.no Type of fertilizer Organic Brand Name Contents Application
1 Organic Soil GOLD Betonies & Gray coated Granules
Humic + P 98 granules
Seaweed Extract
Soil Application
2 Organic Humi + P 98% WS Humic Acid 85%
Amino Acid
Folic Acid
Other Ingredients
Foliar + Soil Application
3 Organic Charger Carboxylic acid
Solvent & Adjuvants
Foliar Spray
4 Organic G - Long Natural Bio Extract
Natural Bio Enzymes
Acid Derivative
Potash Derivative
Solvent Adjuvant
Deeping & Foliar spray
5 Organic Don Super Amino Acid

Foliar spray

The use of organic product can restore back in soil micro nutrient in one or the other farm. It does not requires heavy investment, in case of crop failure he will not suffer much loss as compare to conventional farming. The food it is will be reach in protein. The crop raised using organic method do not require much water also restore the micro nutrient in the soil. The organic management help to enhance agro-eco system. The healthy plants grown organically in properly balanced soil resist most of the diseases and insect & pest.


  • Soil gold is prepared from Gypsum and Betoniesgranules. While processing organic Zink, Humic acid, Aminol. Soil gold has a property to hold moisture, when used in filed helps to reduce evaporation of water and improves soil structure.
  • Soil gold contain different type of micro nutrients, improves plant growth and crop production.
  • Soil gold increases the micro organisms population in the soil which helps to develop structure and texture of soil.
  • Soil gold improves cell division and micro nutrients in ordinary form are converted to chelated form and made easily available to plant.
  • Soil gold provides continues nitrogen to the plant which keep the plant green and healthy and increase freshness in flowers.

Humi + P

  • Humi+p (98 % water soluble powder) contain Humic acid, Potash, Amino acid, folic acid, Felvic Acid and many other micro nutrients. This is in powder form having 85% humic acid and dissolve 98% in water.
  • Humi+p-98 increase the number of white roots ( Tarsiery roots).
  • Humi+p-98 can be applied through soil application or for foliar spray but when plant is in flowering stage. Do not spray because the color the flowers will be affected by recede of powder.
  • For garden Plants do not spray.
  • When applied the plant turn to green the size of fruits and flowers seems to be tender and grow in full size.
  • Humi+p-98 can be mixed with charger, wet gold in case of flowering plants. For fruits Humi+p-98 can be mixed with wet-gold & Don-super.


Charger is a natural extract of protein reach material based on L-cysteine Amino acid it also cover several essential material with animal and plant extract with proteins, vitamins , amino acid quality adjuvant and special polymers. Charger enable the full utilization of all physiological and bio-chemical reserves of the plants. Charger increases the absorption of essential elements from the soil it help in protecting the plant against environmental stress it promotes flowering and reduces the flower drop it also increases the color, size, luster, test and yield of the produce charger can be mixed along with other pesticides.


G long is a bio stimulant, the composition of g-Long is natural bio extract, bio enzymes L-cysteine, acid derivative potash derivatives catalysts agent and aqua solvent which increases weight and pulp of the fruit. It improves the quality of crop, fruit color, attractiveness and keeping quality of the fruit the fruit can be preserved for long period it is suitable for long distance transportation after harvesting the fruits it is suitable for all type of crops especially for agricultural crops.

Don Super

Don super contains glycine and glutamic type of amino acid don super accelerate the process of photosynthesis. It helps to increase number of flower and fruits with good size with natural color and greenness of leaves don super helps to increase the process of sell division it can be used for all type of agricultural and floriculture crops.

The Report of Tamil Nadu agricultural University Bio efficacy on evaluation of SOIL GOLD on growth and yield of paddy crop.

Sample of SOIL GOLD was send to department of Soil science and agriculture chemistry Tamil Nadu Agriculture University for bio efficacy study on evaluation of SOIL GOLD on growth and yield of Paddy crop. The trial was conducted on Rabbi season 2015 for ADT39 variety of rice .The trails were conducted on controlled plot no SOIL GOLD no Application.

The effect of SOIL GOLD on the soil nutrient availability for rice crop at post-harvest stage.

Treatment Available Nitrogen Available Phosphorus Available Potassium Available Iron Available Manganese Available Zinc Available Copper
Control 173.6 14.0 214 14.7 8.6 1.85 2.58
SOIL GOLD 25Kg/Ha 178.5 15.3 219 15.2 9.2 1.92 2.67

The effect of SOIL GOLD on the yield parameter and yield of rice crop at Harvest stage.

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