Importance of micro nutrient


It has been seen that most of the soil are deficient in one or more of the micronutrient. Since boron, copper, Manganese, Ferrous, zinc and molybdenum. This micronutrient’s are required by the plant in very small amount but the deficiency can have much effect on crop production. Grade Type of fertilizer Organic / Chelated Application Contents Soil Type
1 Grade I Inorganic / Chelated Soil Application ZN 5%, Cu-0.5%, FE-2%, MN-1%, B-1. % -------
2 Grade II Inorganic / Chelated Foliar Application ZN-3%, CU-1%, FE-2.5%, MN-1%, B-0.5%,MO-0.1% -------
3 Grade III Inorganic / Chelated Soil Application FE-3%, MN-2%, ZN-5%, CU-0.5%, B-0.5% Acidic Soil
4 Grade IV Inorganic / Chelated Soil Application FE-4%, MN-3%, ZN-6%, CU-0.8%, B-0.8% Alkaline Soil
5 Grade V Inorganic/ Chelated Foliar Application FE-2%, MN-1%, ZN-3%, CU-0.5%, MO-0.1%, B-0.8 Acidic Soil
6 Grade VI Inorganic / Chelated Foliar Application FE-4%, MN-3%, ZN-6%, CU-0.8%,MO-0.1%, B-1.2% Alkaline Soil
7 Grade VII Inorganic / Chelated Soil Application ZN-10%, B-0.5%(for zinc Deficiency) Acidic Soil
8 Grade VIII Inorganic / Chelated Soil Application FE-5%, ZN-10% (For zinc & ferrous Deficiency) Alkaline Soil
9 Grade IX Inorganic / Chelated Foliar Application ZN-3%, B-0.5% (For Zinc Deficiency) Acidic Soil
10 Grade X Inorganic / Chelated Foliar Application ZN-5%, FE-2.5%, B-0.5% Mo-0.1%(For Pulse Crop) Alkaline Soil
11 Grade XI Inorganic / Chelated Foliar Application ZN-5%, FE-2.5%, B-0.5%(For Cotton Crop) Alkaline Soil
12   ZN EDTA Foliar Application ZN-12%  
13   FE EDTA Foliar Application Fe-12%  
14   CA EDTA Foliar Application Ca-9.5%  
15   CU EDTA Foliar Application Cu- 12%  

Note - We can manufacture and supply any Micronutrient Mixture of fertilizer as per the requirement.

Reasons for adequate level of micronutrient and soil

  • 1. Increase in production by improved verities of crop remove the micronutrient
  • 2. High level of phosphorus level within the soil or phosphoric fertilizer added to soil from outside can induce certain micronutrients
  • 3. Leaching of micronutrients through sandy soils
  • 4. High level of PH in soil.
  • 5. Land leveling and budding.

Micronutrients have also drastic effect on the crop yield, quantity, quality as do the primary secondary nutrients (N.P.K, M.G.S & CA) even they are in toxic amount also reduce the crop production. When the deficiency of micronutrient is on large scale can reduce production.

Symptoms of deficiency

Deficiency of micronutrient are identified by observing the plant condition like an Iron deficiency can be seen on the leaves if turns to yellow the deficiency in plant can appeared if the plant is critically short in nutrients. Which has directly effect on crop production. The requirement of micronutrient to crop starts from the stage of planting to 1/3 of the plant growing period. It is there for necessary to apply the micronutrient before planting or at the time of plantation.

Function of micronutrient in plants

  • 1. Boron :
    Maintaining the membrane integrity Leaves shows light general chlorosisand cell wall, cell division, cell elongation, improving flower retention, pollen tube growth which contributor to better fruit set. Also avoid short berry problem, apply through foliar application 2-3 spray from vegetative stage to fruit development stage.
  • 2. Copper :
    It has very important role in plant growth, it is enzyme activator and their Petioles bend downward also important during the reproductive stage of plant and has indirect role in chlorophyll formation. Due to deficiency of CU Leaves are curled,Apply Copper at the rate 250 to 500gm per acre.
  • 3. Ferrous :
    It increases the formulation of chlorophyll and the process of photo syntheses. It is activating element in several enzyme system also induce respiration, oxidation and oxygen carrying system for the plant. Shows strong chlorosis, Intervenalchlorosis of small leaves.
  • 4. Manganese :
    It has important role in vital process in growing plant. Also as function with enzyme system of the plant involved in breakdown of carbohydras, nitrogen metabolism and mini plant process.It shows interveinalchlorosis as Fe deficiency.
  • 5. Molybdenum :
    It is needed for symbolic fixation of nitrogen by legume it help to reduce nitrates. Over all chlorosis same as N2 deficiency.
  • 6. Zinc :
    It is essential for transformation of carbohydrates and reduce the consumption of sugar in plant it also help to regulate the plant growth. The symptoms of deficiency are interveinal necrosis, younger leaves turn to yellow, pitting is develops and internodes become shorten.
  • 7. Magnesium :
    It is used for the foliar application in chelated form at the rate of 500gm to 1kg per acre. Repeat the application if necessary.Internal chlorosis with necrosis is seen in case of deficiency.
  • 8. Calcium :
    It is used for the foliar application in chelated form at the rate of 500gm to 1kg per acre. Repeat the application if necessary. Leaves at the base shows necrosis.
  • 9. Sulphur :
    Apply through soil application for in water irrigation, over all chlorosis is seen. Some greencolor veins and petioles turn to reddish in color.
  • 10. Magnesium sulphate :
    It increases the vegetative growth and fruit development can be applied through foliar spray and drip application. Chelated micronutrients are most powerful nutrient elements because chelated nutrient with Disodium or Dipottassium ethylenediamine tetra acidic (EDTA) Ensure optimal utilization of nutrient for better sustainable higher productivity of crops and many times helps to overcome environmental stress.

Note - Please refer the manufacturer leaflet before use, do not mix above products with other chemicals.

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